Easy Breakfast | Egg sandwich recipe | Toasted egg sandwich

Easy Breakfast | Egg sandwich recipe | Toasted egg sandwich

Egg sandwich recipe

Recipe -

  Hello, everyone. Today I will make an Egg sandwich that is my most favorite sandwich. It is very easy to cook and you don't need to prepare a lot for this. White bread and dinner rolls can be used for sandwiches. Today, I will use rolls to make sandwiches. Usually, only eggs are needed for making sandwiches but today, I will put an apple inside to feel crunchy. If you don't have an apple, you can put in cucumber or cabbage. Taste and feel will be better with them than an egg only. Let's have look ingredients. I will use 8 rolls, 6 eggs a half apple 3 spoons of mayonnaise 1 spoon of sugar, 1/2 spoon of salt Parsley powder is for plating First of all, boil the eggs. Frozen eggs need to be left at room temperature so that it won't explode in boiling water.

 Add 1 spoon of vinegar and a half of salt into boiling water. Boil the eggs for 10 minutes in the water. Putting the eggs into cold water will make it easier to be peeled. Separate the egg white and the yolk, please mash the egg yolk with a spoon. Cut the egg white finely. Apple will make food not oily and crunchy. Cut the half of the apple finely. If you don't have an apple, then you can add cucumber or cabbage instead of an apple. 

Put the white and yellow into a bowl and mix with 3 spoons of mayonnaise, 1 spoon of sugar, a half spoon of salt. People who like mustard can put a third spoon of it. But I won't put it today. Since you followed well until now, almost done. Cut the rolls into half, but leave the edge of rolls. And put the eggs well into bread. It is important to put eggs a lot so that the sandwiches will be tastier. At the last, put a little of parsley powder on it to look better. How is it? Wasn't it easy to make? I highly recommend this sandwich so please try it. 

Thank you

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